Operator Promotions at Cokebusters Technology Centre
10 March 2024
Over the past 6 months we’ve been updating our operator training processes and implementing new strategies to help our mechanical cleaning and decoking team develop their skills, both in theory and on site.
Since revising our training and testing processes, several team members have embraced the training, passed their exams and proved they are now qualified to work at a higher grade.
We are pleased to offer congratulations to Damien Robinson who has been promoted to Grade 1 Supervisor! This is an important role which carries responsibility for managing crew on site, as well as liaising directly with clients throughout each project.

Lee Mottrom, Dave Smith and Danny Williams have also received well-deserved promotions from Grade 2 to Grade 1. Dave and Danny are currently working in their new roles on site in Germany and Portugal, but we did manage to persuade Damien and Lee to pose for the camera!
At Cokebusters all our operators are directly employed full time and trained in-house, ensuring consistently high standards of service for our valued clients. By improving transparency in the career development journey and offering support at every stage, we hope everyone in the Cokebusters operations team will feel encouraged to fulfil their potential.