The Manufacture of Cokebusters’ Patented Scraper Pigs

14 April 2020

With many years’ extensive operational experience under our belts, we are proud to have advanced to become a world leading provider for mechanical decoking here at Cokebusters. Part of the reason for this is our unique ability to manufacture bespoke decoking pigs for our customers.

Cokebusters bespoke patented scraper pigs designed for the mechanical cleaning of tubes and pipelines

Controlled by our experienced team of operators, Cokebusters’ patented scraper pigs have been shown to cut through coke with a unique combination of speed and efficiency, saving our clients time and money.

We recently teamed up with 2KM who supplied us with a custom-made polymer mixing and dispensing machine, used in the manufacture of urethane mouldings for our patented Cokebusters’ scraper pigs. The machine is a fully controllable dispensing system and allows for precise control of chemical ratios.

Since commissioning, our scraper pig manufacturing productivity has increased by 60%, allowing us to keep up with the growth of decoking operations worldwide. In addition to this, the quality of our decoking pigs is exceptionally high thanks to the new mixing machine.

Duncan Cully, Commercial Manager of Cokebusters, comments: “Working with 2KM in developing this new machine allows us to maintain our high standards in manufacturing here at Cokebusters. The machine will also enable us to increase capacity to keep up with the growing demands for our decoking services across the globe.”

2KM will be manufacturing an exact copy of this machine for the Cokebusters USA office in Houston, Texas. This is expected to be completed in 2021.

If you have any questions about our mechanical decoking services, get in touch with us today to discuss whatever needs and requirements you may have, and we’ll be happy to help.